
Monday, October 27, 2014

Race for the Finish

By-Haley Rodeffer

Three, two, one, GO! Cross country is up and running again as this season has showed to be a great one. Coach Fox and Coach Beck have been training the girls extra hard this season by practicing everyday except for Wednesdays. At the start of each practice the girls stretch as a team, then depending on the day they will do intervals or maybe run to the Lemming house. Lots of girls joined cross country to hang with friends, and to be able to run faster and longer. So far, the girls are killing it at their meets; they cheer each other on as they await their turn to run. Hailey Steiner, 8th grade runner, says, “My favorite part is the entire thing, knowing you are going with other girls to perform, and get rewarded for your hard work.” Cross country is the only sport of it’s kind, relying on hard work and teamwork.


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